Destruction Services


Industrial Shredder

See our high-quality industrial shredder in action!

We feed your electronic and non-electronic items into a high-quality industrial shredder. This method physically slices the items into small pieces. Any electronic data will be unrecoverable after the destruction.


Secure Destruction Of Confidential Documents

Our team handling the removal and destruction of confidential documents from a client's premises (Hitachi).



See our crusher in action!

We break your electronic items into half. This method physically destroys the hard drive platters and magnetic surfaces. Your electronic data is unrecoverable after the destruction.



See our high-quality degausser in action!

We use a high-quality degausser to completely erase your electronic data.

Note: Overriding, reformatting or physically destructing electronic items does not eliminate data recorded on magnetic media.

The SV91m degausser which we use meets the requirements set by NATO and NSA.
For more information about the SV91m, please visit


We drill 2 holes into the hard drive to make it unusable.

Range of Items for Destruction

  1. Hard drives

  2. Tape backups

  3. Laptops and mobile devices

  4. IT equipment

  5. Confidential documents

  6. Clothes and fabrics


Assets Destruction Process